
  1. zakariya1

    Introduction :zakariya 1

    Hi i am new very new here. I am zakariya i came here for some old IPAs for my iphone 3g (3.1.2). what is your legacy device and what do you do with it? my 3g is a od app museum and have it active on a freedompop sim
  2. JackMan63

    Hello everyone

    My name is Eugene and I'm trying to find rare iOS 6 compatible iPad games, also I'll gladly help other people with any ipa's I have if there will be such situation in my eyesight. Hope everybody is having a great day, nice to meet y'all.
  3. Y

    Introduction: yuvalyly

    Hello! I'm a student who happen to have some old Apple devices thrown around the house. I came here to look for IPAs for them.
  4. TheRatedRShimmer

    Hello there

    Hey there people. I'm from Santiago, Chile, and I have a recently jailbroken iPhone 3GS (iOS 6.1.6) Well, what I am seeking through this forum is installing old, discontinued but still remembered apps compatible with this and other old devices I find in my path (iPhone, iPod and even old...
  5. T


    Hey! I've recently taken an interest in raiding my family's junk drawers for old iDevices and jailbreaking them. I have a lot of nostalgia for skeuomorphic iOS and the iPhone 4-5s era and its pretty fun to tinker with them ^_^ I'm also a fan of Evangelion and old web aesthetics Here's a link to...
  6. aqiz

    Finally my iPad 2 just have a breath :D

    Hi, greetings from Indonesia. I want to say thank you for all to share all the things in this forum. I'm happy found this forum. This forum give my iPad a breathe in 2021. I learn a lot about jailbreak, install IPA and many other tricks in this forum. Thank you. My device: iPad 2 running iOS...
  7. NukiDuki

    Introduction: NukiDuki

    I am NukiDuki, but you may have found me as a NukiDuke (reddit), Nukomeister, DukiNuki, karoIT, karo339 on some other platforms, that's because I'm indecisive. I love iOS 6's design. I can not let go this beautiful art piece, made in the Steve Jobs era, which was so tenaciously hand-crafted by...
  8. CobreDev

    [Introduction] Hey guys, I'm mac-user669!

    I have been interested in jailbreaking for about 2 years or so. I own an iPhone 6 on 12.4.3, an iPod touch 5 dual booted with 8.4.1 and 6.1.3, an iPod touch 4 on 6.1.6, and a couple of Activation Locked devices. Suggest cool things I can do with any of my devices! PS: Don't try to install...
  9. gts250gamer101

    Hey guys!

    Hello everyone! I am an Apple collector, who enjoys all iPhones (older than the 6 xD) and Macintosh computers as well! Currently, I have an Apple II+, Macintosh SE, Power Macintosh G5 (development stuff), iPhone 3G, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, 5, SE. I also have 2 iPod Touch 2nd Generations, one...