Junk Jack Retro/X for iOS 6.1.6 ipod touch 4g


New Member
Alright so i ordered a Ipod touch 4G and its coming soon And ive been looking into some sandbox games for it
i really liked how similar junk jack retro or junk jack retro's sequel junk jack x is to terraria so if anyones got or can find the ipa it would be greatly appreciated


Love how you pinged me, now this is one of them that I can actually not find a single thing for. I can find newer versions, but no older ones. Maybe buying it on a newer device then you will be able to downgrade, but that would be a big risk.


Active Member
The iOS 6 IPAs for this app are still hosted on the App Store. You are safe to buy it on another device and download the last compatible version on iOS 6. In fact, if you download aDowngrader from h6nry's repo, you can download this app on your iPod Touch 4g straight up without another device. Go to purchase the app, enter 13933597 when prompted and it will download. You will still have to pay.